

The Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry has its own recruitment service, which consists in the publication of employment opportunities in the CCILC website’s Job Exchange (HERE), in portuguese, english and chinese, and in the promotion of a research through the national and international contacts network of the Chamber, with the goal of identifying one or more candidates possessing the desired profile.

Please contact geral@ccilc.pt for further information.

Associate Not Assoc.
Website Publication 25€ 50€ – Translations to mandarin chinese (150 words max.) posting and promotion of the announcement in CCILC’s website, social media and e-newsletter.
Durability: quaterly
Recruitment Success Fee
(Sum corresponding to the hired worker’s first month salary)

Success Fee

– Translations to mandarin chinese (150 words max.) posting and promotion of the announcement in CCILC’s website, social media and e-newsletter.

– Research through CCILC’s national and international contacts network

– Selection of candidates showing the most adequate profile in order for the proceeding of an interview by the hiring company.